Essentials of a low calorie Healthy Kitchen

Essentials of a low calorie Healthy Kitchen

By Deepalekha Banerjee  on: 14 November 2015
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To make a kitchen healthy and nutritious here comes some tips. Donot think and get demotivated that your kitchen would lose colour and look bare as sahara desert. Rather it would have as much variety as earlier with few modifications and upgradations. Feeling excited to know? Here it comes: Some kitchen essentials of healthy and low calorie kitchen:

Measuring cups
Measuring spoons
Food weighing scale
Anti bacterial handwash
All types of Herbs & Spices to add on flavor – nit calories
Good quality Non-Stick cooking pan
Microwave or tandoor
Green vegetables
Fresh fruits of all colours
Almonds & walnuts
Yogurt from skim milk
Skim milk & milk products
Egg white
Lean meat
Low fat paneer or tofu
Breakfast cereals
Olive oil

To elaborate the Herbs & spices rack:

Dried basil
Bay leaves
Cayenne or
Crushed red pepper flakes
Curry powder
Seasoned salt
Chili powder
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Dried parsley
Dry mustard

Not a handful of items it seems right? It’s a mammoth task to make this transformation for good. Enter into a whole new world of Health & Nutrition & as the saying is “Charity begins at Home”.. Start from your house kitchen. All the Best.


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It\'s Not Too Late - Prevent COPD
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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a life-threatening lung disease that interferes with normal breathing – it is more than a “smoker’s cough”. Some facts about COPD: COPD is the only major cause of death whose incidence is on the increase and is expected to be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030 (exceeded only by heart diseases and stroke). The primary cause of COPD is tobacco smoke (through tobacco use or second-hand smoke).                The disease now affects men and women almost equally. Total deaths from COPD are projected to increase by more than 30% in the next 10 years without interventions to cut risks, particularly exposure to tobacco smoke. COPD is the 5th biggest killer worldwide. Every hour COPD is estimated to kill over 250 people worldwide. Almost 90% of COPD deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. The number of deaths from COPD has increased more than 60% over the last 20 years. COPD is not curable, but treatment can slow the progress of the disease. SO IT’S TIME TO ACT NOW!! The Importance of Proper Nutrition: Proper nutrition can help reduce carbon dioxide levels and improve breathing. Due to metabolism, carbohydrate, fat, and protein are all converted to carbon dioxide and water in the presence of oxygen in human body. Dietary Tips for Better Breathing: To help increase an individual’s dietary intake and ensure a healthy diet, the following are some nutritional tips for better breathing: • Eat meals when energy levels are at their highest, which is usually in the morning. • Eat several small, nutrient-rich meals to avoid becoming breathless while eating. • Eat slowly and chew foods thoroughly to avoid swallowing air while eating. • Choose foods that are easy to chew. Modify food consistency if mastication seems to increase fatigue while eating. • Choose foods that are easy to prepare to conserve energy for eating. • Limit salt. Consuming too much can cause the body to retain water and can make breathing more difficult.  In addition to removing the salt shaker from your table: Use herbs or no-salt spices to flavor your food. Don\'t add salt to foods when cooking. Read food labels and avoid foods with more than 300 mg sodium/serving.   • Eat calcium- and vitamin D-rich foods to support bone health. • Prepare meals that appear palatable and well presented. ·         • Avoid foods that cause gas or bloating. A full abdomen can make breathing uncomfortable. Some of the foods that usually causesbloating are as follows: Carbonated beverages Fried, greasy, or heavily spiced foods Apples, avocados, and melons Beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers, leeks, lentils, onions, peas, peppers, pimentos, radishes, scallions, shallots, and soybeans   • Eat while sitting up to ease lung pressure. • Drink liquids at the end of the meal to avoid feeling full while eating. • Wear a cannula while eating if continuous oxygen is prescribed. Eating and digestion require oxygen, so the body will need the extra oxygen. • Limit caffeinated beverages, as caffeine can interfere with some medications and cause nervousness or restlessness. • Make the meal more enjoyable by engaging in social interaction while dining. • Avoid aspiration by breathing carefully, swallowing, and sitting properly and with good posture while eating. • Rest before meals. Good Health and Diet always go hand in hand. Healthy diet is a solution to all health issues.For any further information kindly visit my facebook page to stay updated regarding all Health tips. Make a resolution today and hasten your decision to enter into a whole new world of Health & Nutrition.                                                                                                                                      ~Dt. Deepalekha Banerjee
Deepalekha Banerjee

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Nutritionist / Dietician in Whitefiled, Bangalore, India 

Dt. Deepalekha Banerjee, M.Sc. in Food & Nutrition (from Jadavpur University, Kolkata) having app. 15 years of professional experience in the Nutrition and Dietetics field. She has worked with brands like Nestle (Gurgaon), Apollo Hospital (Kolkata) and VLCC (Gurgaon & Kolkata) and is currently functioning as Nutrition and Dietetics Consultant to her clients in India and abroad.Her field of expertise ranges from weight loss programme, diet for diabetics, renal diet, hepatic diets, diet for good heart, pregnancy and lactation diets and the list goes on. Though the current era is all about 'speed', she doesnot believe in 'Crash Diets', however in disciplined life style and positive attitude towards life. She is a very effective counselor and a 'go to' person.One should eat to live, not live to eat~Moliere.....this site provides a complete 360 degree solution to nutritional wellbeing encompassing lifestyle modification including frequent health tips, weight & figure management.Please visit my facebook page - this fast-paced, high-stress society, where everything going online, why not the diet? My e clinic; '360 Degree Nutricare by Dietitian Deepalekha' helps you attain optimal health by personalised diet plans and motivating diet counselling sessions. Looking after your health today gives you a better health for tommorow!  Looking for weight loss diet or a  Dietician in Whitefield or in Bangalore? Interested in excellent weight loss service online or in Bangalore? Then contact us. You can view our reviews and experience of our clients who have successfully reduced weight through healthy weight loss diet charts. NO Fad / Crash Diets, NO Starvations, No Gadgets and No Unsubstanciated claims! Deepalekha's diets aims at overall nutritional correction with comprehensive individual assessment,  with long term results and  benefits
Deepalekha Banerjee
Dt. Deepalekha Banerjee
Nutritionist / Dietician in Whitefiled, Bangalore Register Now!

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