Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year 2017

By Deepalekha Banerjee  on: 01 January 2017
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Staying healthy does not only include diet. It involves the whole lifestyle. So apart from HAVING A HEALTHY DIET one has to concentrate on leading a healthy lifestyle also.

This NEW YEAR I would suggest some most common but most ignored resolutions that will help you to lead a happy positive healthy life.

Find a way to laugh - always find a way to laugh, not sweat the small stuff, say nice words, and value each moment and each conversation. The small words and small moments can have big impact. This will give you a feel good factor.

Create a kinder world - we are so busy trying to figure out how to live longer, be more connected, have cheaper energy, and faster everything, but if we do not build all this around the core of kindness, then none of our success will matter. So make at least one person feel worthy every day.  if people embrace kindness, everything else will follow.

Meditation - One must incorporate at least 10 minutes of meditation into his daily routine at least five days a week. This may amount to 10 minutes of deep breathing exercises, quiet time focused on quieting the mind, progressive muscle relaxation, or any number of meditation techniques. This will also have the secondary benefit of improving sleep.

Scheduling sleep - one must force yourself to shut off digital screens earlier at night, turn down invitations that would keep you out too late, and scheduled naps before your night shifts. Sleep is utmost necessary for a healthy rejuvenation of body & mind.

 Do more travelling - Have fun, enjoy yourselves, distress yourselves to stay positive and fresh. This will keep your body and mind positive and healthy.

Nourish Your Spirit - Your New Year's resolution must be to make more time to nourish your spirit, to be in environments and with people doing things that make you feel good. This will enhance positivity within yourself and keep you happy.

Reset your priorities - The crazy stressful lifestyle of yours and rotating shifts leaves a tendency to have quick foods that are going to give you energy, but it will not give you peace. It will not let you rest. It will not purify your heart, body, mind and soul. So you have to set priorities. What you want this year.

Take time to smell the roses - I realize that we, including me, often get so caught up in the details of life, that we often forget the beauty around us, like a beautiful sunset or amazing flower. I think by increasing our awareness of our surroundings and the beauty therein, it helps us to see the big picture a bit better. Thus inspired by a Gandhi quote: "Be the change you want to see in the world", and hope to live by it a bit more this coming year.

But instead of making new year resolutions, I suggest that you just try to make some small changes aimed at better health on an ongoing basis. At the end of the day, we are all a work in progress.



                                                                                               ~Dt.Deepalekha Banerjee


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Deepalekha Banerjee

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Nutritionist / Dietician in Whitefiled, Bangalore, India 

Dt. Deepalekha Banerjee, M.Sc. in Food & Nutrition (from Jadavpur University, Kolkata) having app. 15 years of professional experience in the Nutrition and Dietetics field. She has worked with brands like Nestle (Gurgaon), Apollo Hospital (Kolkata) and VLCC (Gurgaon & Kolkata) and is currently functioning as Nutrition and Dietetics Consultant to her clients in India and abroad.Her field of expertise ranges from weight loss programme, diet for diabetics, renal diet, hepatic diets, diet for good heart, pregnancy and lactation diets and the list goes on. Though the current era is all about 'speed', she doesnot believe in 'Crash Diets', however in disciplined life style and positive attitude towards life. She is a very effective counselor and a 'go to' person.One should eat to live, not live to eat~Moliere.....this site provides a complete 360 degree solution to nutritional wellbeing encompassing lifestyle modification including frequent health tips, weight & figure management.Please visit my facebook page - www.facebook.com/360degreenutricareIn this fast-paced, high-stress society, where everything going online, why not the diet? My e clinic; '360 Degree Nutricare by Dietitian Deepalekha' helps you attain optimal health by personalised diet plans and motivating diet counselling sessions. Looking after your health today gives you a better health for tommorow!  Looking for weight loss diet or a  Dietician in Whitefield or in Bangalore? Interested in excellent weight loss service online or in Bangalore? Then contact us. You can view our reviews and experience of our clients who have successfully reduced weight through healthy weight loss diet charts. NO Fad / Crash Diets, NO Starvations, No Gadgets and No Unsubstanciated claims! Deepalekha's diets aims at overall nutritional correction with comprehensive individual assessment,  with long term results and  benefits
Deepalekha Banerjee
Dt. Deepalekha Banerjee
Nutritionist / Dietician in Whitefiled, Bangalore Register Now!

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