Mango the KING of FRUITS - enjoy the summers

Mango the KING of FRUITS - enjoy the summers

By Deepalekha Banerjee  on: 03 May 2018
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Hey its summer; the king of fruits is here – The MANGO. But you are on diet. You must not eat mango at all. You will put on weight. You want to be fit and slim. So A big NO to mangoes though you love to eat them. Diabetics should not even think of mangoes.  Daily you are struggling and fighting such dilemmas. If you ask me – it’s a big YES. You can always enjoy the king of fruits MANGOES , even diabetics.

Know the actual facts of the magical fruit – The MANGO

  • Low glycemic index – the average GI of mango is 51 which is considered low according to WHO. That means people with diabetes can safely consume mango as their sugar level will not rise after consumption of mango.
  • High in fibre - 1 cup pf mango provides almost 3 gms of fibre. Hence promotes in weight loss and other health benefits like blood cleanser, detoxification of the body
  •  Decrease risk of cardio vascular disease – the fruit is high in fibre and potassium. Hence the CVD risk decreases to great extent. The high potassium in mangoes flush out the excess sodium in the body thus helps in decreasing hypertension in people
  • Promotes digestion – the high fibre content relieves constipation and promotes digestion.
  • Improves eye health – 1 cup of mangoes contains 25 % of the daily Vit A intake. Hence improves eye sight.
  • Lowers cholesterol – the high fibre,pectin and vit C content in the mangoes helpsto lower serum cholesterol (bad cholesterol).
  • Combets acidity – the tartaric acid, malic acid, traces of citric acid sustains the alkaline environment inside the body. Hence prevents acisity
  • Boosts immune system – Vit A. Vit C and carotenoides improves the immune system more healthy and strong


Hence keeping the above facts in mind we must include this magical fruit in our daily diet. But yes I agree to the fact that mangoes are HIGH in Calories. So portion control is utmost necessary. Excess calories can be burnt by walking an extra mile but for one flaws we can never ignore or neglect the other 100s of health benefits it delivers us.

Enjoy the seasonal fruit and stay healthy and fit.

                                                                                                                                                ~ Dt. Deepalekha Banerjee



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Feedback after enjoying MANGO whole season
29 July 2018
MANGO – the “King” of all fruits. Mango is considered to be the most delicious and loved fruit amongst all fruits, however, probably the most feared too. There is, in general, apprehensions of side effects of the fruit that, consumption of it lead to increase in one’s weight. Agreed, Mango is a high calorie fruit, however, that one factor should not hinder all other nutritional benefits which it provides to us (Refer to my previous blog to know the beneficial factors of Mango - The mango season is almost to an end. I have planned almost all the diet charts by including the fruit. Thus, my clients have enjoyed mangoes throughout the season and have shared their positive feedback about the “King”, few of them are given below : Priti sharma - As you know excess of anything is bad, it holds true when it comes to eating the sweet and addictive mango, especially when you want to lose weight. I love eating mangoes and when I disclosed it with my dietician Dt. Deepalekha, she didn't say no to my craving for mangoes. Instead she added it to my everyday diet before lunch, just a little amount, half a bowl with coconut water. It was within my calorie limit, and the urge to eat mangoes was also satisfied. It doesn't increase my weight even after eating it every day. Just eat how much is assigned to you, over-eating of mangoes needs to be avoided. Ankita verma - Mango is the king of fruits. I wait for scorching summers only so that I get to eat mangoes. I absolutely love love mangoes. But usually people have this false impression that mangoes lead to weight gain. But I don't believe so. I had mango almost everyday before noon and yes I have lost weight. What I personally feel that eating mango always improves my digestion which in turn leads to better gut health Raji – One of my favorite fruits mango.. Could never imagine that such a sweet fruit could be part of a diet which has helped me lose weight.. I still wonder how it worked but that's Deepa's magic Madhavanandha S - Mango is our nation fruit how can I miss it in summer. Got as part of my diet chart enjoyed having it alternate days as it has become must I had it else might have missed too. Having Mango has not disturb my weight few days weight have come down in spite of having Mango. Thanks to Deepalekha  giving me mango in the chart. Somdutta Mitra - Summer without mangoes  is no fun and this summer as I was on a diet , I thought I would only have to see others enjoying this absolute miracle of nature, mangoes. But thanks to Deepalekha di and her fantastic diets that I had mangoes every single day and my weight still dropped. Yes I was apprehensive but with her around I only have to think about enjoying the goodness of food and still being healthy. Balaji R - I am here to share my next experience with optimum weight loss program. I am now in the last week of my three months program. I have lost close to 20 Kg in three months which is a remarkable achievement for me. It was possible because of Deepalekha's diet planning and the support even during my business visit outside India as well. Another important point to mention, Deepalekha included the king of fruits "Mangoes" wow I love them to the core. I requested her to include it in my diet plan. Ideally mangoes have more calories and tend to add weight, but with her diet planning, I still lost weight. I am much impressed  with this program and now opted for extension. Kudos and thanks to Deepalekha !! Kamatchi Gopinath - I started this weight loss program while when i was 90 kgs.. rite now i lost within a short period of schedule prepared for me, always keeps me full and energetic.   Mango..hmm  first i love mango...pre lunch taking mango make my appetite while lunch and make me finish full salad, rice and vegatable. and make me warm.  right now i am in mid way to reach my goal. have to reach my BMI rating. Sivakumar - Is this Mango  good for Weight Loss ? Eatable by Diabetic??  Are you Ok??? On People Voice…I too one of them. But the fact is “BIG YES” from Deepa’s Camp. I doubted, I tested,  Now I trusted. Yes She is right usual !!! Good food!! Good Health – Mango – Gift for WT loss….. Mehek – Summer is the season of Mangoes and we all love them. But from past few years, I had stopped eating them for fear of gaining weight. I was surprised when dietitian Deepalekha added Mango to my daily diet plan for weight loss – All Thanks to her for breaking the myth that mangoes are fattening !!!!!  Now I am snacking daily on this nutrition filled wonder fruit from the last 2 months, it is also satisfying my craving for sweet and moreover still losing weight. These are tasty fruits are seasonal hence one must celebrate all seasons…                                                                                                                         ~Dt. Deepalekha      
Deepalekha Banerjee

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Nutritionist / Dietician in Whitefiled, Bangalore, India 

Dt. Deepalekha Banerjee, M.Sc. in Food & Nutrition (from Jadavpur University, Kolkata) having app. 15 years of professional experience in the Nutrition and Dietetics field. She has worked with brands like Nestle (Gurgaon), Apollo Hospital (Kolkata) and VLCC (Gurgaon & Kolkata) and is currently functioning as Nutrition and Dietetics Consultant to her clients in India and abroad.Her field of expertise ranges from weight loss programme, diet for diabetics, renal diet, hepatic diets, diet for good heart, pregnancy and lactation diets and the list goes on. Though the current era is all about 'speed', she doesnot believe in 'Crash Diets', however in disciplined life style and positive attitude towards life. She is a very effective counselor and a 'go to' person.One should eat to live, not live to eat~Moliere.....this site provides a complete 360 degree solution to nutritional wellbeing encompassing lifestyle modification including frequent health tips, weight & figure management.Please visit my facebook page - this fast-paced, high-stress society, where everything going online, why not the diet? My e clinic; '360 Degree Nutricare by Dietitian Deepalekha' helps you attain optimal health by personalised diet plans and motivating diet counselling sessions. Looking after your health today gives you a better health for tommorow!  Looking for weight loss diet or a  Dietician in Whitefield or in Bangalore? Interested in excellent weight loss service online or in Bangalore? Then contact us. You can view our reviews and experience of our clients who have successfully reduced weight through healthy weight loss diet charts. NO Fad / Crash Diets, NO Starvations, No Gadgets and No Unsubstanciated claims! Deepalekha's diets aims at overall nutritional correction with comprehensive individual assessment,  with long term results and  benefits
Deepalekha Banerjee
Dt. Deepalekha Banerjee
Nutritionist / Dietician in Whitefiled, Bangalore Register Now!

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